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By entering your information above and clicking "Buy Now", you are taken to our secure Paypal website for payment.  You may continue as a "guest" or login to your Paypal account for payment. To continue as a guest, simply click on the grey box with "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"  without creating an account.  Paypal does NOT share your credit card information with us.
Farm membership is an annual fee of $3,200.00, plus sales tax,  and is available to both adult men and women.  Rules and restrictions apply to your membership.  
But wait.  Do you want to know exactly what you are getting with your farm membership?  Click HERE to find out.
Your membership is managed by Belle Grace, Inc. and you agree to hold harmless Twiddle Dee Farm and its owners for any dispute regarding membership.  Twiddle Dee Farm and/or Belle Grace, Inc. reserves the right to cancel your membership at any time, without recourse.
Not ready to become a member but still want to support us?  Then please make a non-deductible cash donation using the link below.  A single donation of at least $300 entitles you to receive our newsletter and an afternoon on the farm with two of your best friends.  Call us for details.  We thank you.


Our farm does not offer open farm days, tours, events, or festivals for the public at-large.  We reserve access to the farm for our farm members and their guests.  If you are interested in buying our livestock or boarding your horse, please contact us via the forms on this website or call us at (910) 592-7458.  Leave a message.  We will get back with you.  And thank you for your interest in our farm.

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